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 Warmachine Hordes Trollbloods army for Sale or Trade

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Warmachine Hordes Trollbloods army for Sale or Trade Empty
PostSubject: Warmachine Hordes Trollbloods army for Sale or Trade   Warmachine Hordes Trollbloods army for Sale or Trade Icon_minitime12th June 2013, 11:32 am

I am getting back into 40k after a break I have a Trollbloods army that I am looking at parting with. All models are painted unless noted. 

Here is an example of the paint job -



Here is a list of the models in the army. The prices are the retail price for the model -

Casters -

E Doomshaper - $18

P Madrak - $18

Beasts -

Dire Troll Mauler - $35

Dire Troll Bomber - $35

Earthborn Dire Troll - $50

Swamp Troll - $21

Dire Troll Mauler Extreme - $50

Axer - $19

Impaler - $19

Impaler - $19

Mulg the Ancient - $60

Units -

Fennblades - $50

Fennblades UA - $22

Krielstone Bearer and Scribes - Unfinished - $30

Pyg Burrowers - NIB - $45

Sons of Bragg - $40

Stone Scribe Elder - $17

Solos -

Janissa Stonetide - $15

10x Whelps - $28


I think there are a few extra models not listed above, I think I have a pair of extra Krielstone scribes to bring it up to max size but would have to double check to make sure.

I would be willing to do $600 for the lot, I really don’t want to break it up.

Let me know if you are interested.

Last edited by big_d on 12th June 2013, 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : all the text was black!)
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Warmachine Hordes Trollbloods army for Sale or Trade
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