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 Looking to trade dark angels army for other minis

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Nurgling on Antibiotics

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Join date : 2011-12-29

Looking to trade dark angels army for other minis Empty
PostSubject: Looking to trade dark angels army for other minis   Looking to trade dark angels army for other minis Icon_minitime2nd April 2013, 11:46 am

I have a dark angels army I am looking to trade. I am pretty open to other 40k armies of comparable size or maybe warmahordes. Really would like to find a Tau army but I am pretty open to other offers. Might also take a cash offer as well but really looking to trade. I live in the central Arkansas area.

What I have is the new codex, two halves of the dark vengeance box (20 tact marines, 10 terminators, 6 bikes, company master, librarian) with the limited edition model, another unit of 10 tact marines, an attack bike, a land speeder, 2 dreadnaughts, a venerable dreadnought, a land raider, a (5 man)devastator squad, a rhino, and an (5 man) assault squad.
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Looking to trade dark angels army for other minis
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